1950s China-India Chronology


This project is supported and hosted by the Joint Center for History and Economics at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.


Arunabh Ghosh

Arunabh Ghosh

Arunabh Ghosh is Assistant Professor in the History Department at Harvard University, where he teaches and works on the history of modern China. He is currently completing a book on statistics and statecraft during the first decade of the People’s Republic of China. For more about him, please visit his personal site.

Gal Koplewitz

Gal Koplewitz

Gal Koplewitz is a senior at Harvard College, studying for a joint degree in Computer Science and History. Before coming to Harvard, he was an intelligence analyst in the IDF, and is currently working as a research assistant at the Joint Center for History and Economics.

Ye Seul Byeon

Ye Seul Byeon

Ye Seul Byeon received a B.A. in history from Yale College in 2016, with a focus on Latin America. She has previously done research on the Cold War connections between Asia and Latin America. Currently, she is working as a research assistant at the Joint Center for History and Economics at Harvard University.